We have compiled the ultimate list of top 15 Pakistani movies that you shouldn't miss, these left a greater social impact.
Film Mafia of Bollywood is Fictionalizing history, Rubbishing Religion, Promoting Anti-National Spirit, Mocking Hindu Gods, Award Wapsi and Intolerance drive
Everyone has obstacles and difficulties, in the journey of becoming a millionaire or to remain in that position, you certainly need some principles and ethics to comply with.
If you are really serious to have an edge over others and to improve your overall knowledge, here are the ten books you should not miss to read.
If you are the kind who can read and assimilate a book a day, try this Entrepreneurship fortnight. We are recommending books that don
In the Walmart stores have modest sections of books, however, now the Walmart's company plans to expand it with digital books. Walmart introduced a teamed up with Japanese Rakuten to sell e-books
Samsung has released the newest versions of the S-series S8 and S8 + in 2017. In keeping with some rumors, Samsung can turn out 2 completely different flagships
Google is a popular Web search engine. Google uses the technological machines that identify the bad apps & Developer on it and immediately remove that.
A video game is an electronic game and these games are playing on TV Screen, computer, Laptops etc. Video games are mainly made for entertainment purpose.
Technologies like personal computers and smartphones have changed every corner of society. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are declared god innovators of these technologies