Yogi Adityanath is the twenty-first chief minister of Uttar Pradesh who was born on 5th June 1972 in an ordinary family of Garhwali Rajput in a village named Panchur, in the district of Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand. He was named as Ajay Singh Bisht by his father who was a forest ranger named Anand Singh.
Ajay Singh Bisht completed his graduation in mathematics from the Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University of Uttarakhand. Unlike his predecessors, he is well known for his selfless service and clean politics who is beyond caste-based games and intern consolidating various Hindu castes.
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When Yogi Adityanath was the head priest at Gorakhpur temple, he used to take his breakfast only after feeding the cows at his 'Gaushala'. His love is not only limited to cows but he extends its affection to almost all animals who are homeless and comes running towards him. Once he fed a tiger cub in his lap which was kept in his ashram for few months and was later sent for rehabilitation through forest department. Another image carrying a snake also caught great attraction on social media.
Four years after becoming the Mahant of Gorakhnath Math in the year 1994, Adityanath was elected for the lower house in the Parliament of India. After he won the first election, storming Yogi started a youth wing of his own, known as Hindu Yuva Vahini which is a non-political nationalist organization who works to restore the great pride of mother Bharti by creating awareness and unity among masses. This social wing has a remarkable role to play in the rise of Yogi Adityanath.
At the age of twenty-six, Yogi Adityanath became the youngest member in the twelfth Lok Sabha. He got elected in the Parliament for five terms consecutively from Gorakhpur.
In the assembly elections of 2017 in Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath was one of the most eminent campaigners for BJP. Following BJP’s victory in the assembly elections, on 19th March 2017, he was made the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh which was the biggest gamble of BJP, however, got an unprecedented response not only from UP but the whole country.
When BJP followed its ‘disruptive’ mass outreach with the anointment of Gorakhnath Temple Peethadheeshwar as the chief minister it’s decision had proved too much for the forces of intellectual enlightenment to the stomach and resulted from disorientation of pseudo-secularists.
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With his unique oratory and presentation skills, he is able to attract all kinds of listeners and hypnotize their eyeballs. He always used to raise issues in the Parliament and was quite vocal about people’s rights and grievances.
While talking about the issues, it would happen sometimes that his opponents who used to remain silent on Triple Talaq issues or any other major issue of national interest would jump to interrupt him, but without bothering the interruptions, he would continue to make his points with alacrity or at times would shut their mouths with his superman type of response.
He is often regarded as the controversy king. Various controversies that are related to the CM of Uttar Pradesh are listed below:
1. Uttar Pradesh is considered as one of the most populated Muslim states in India. It is currently home to 16% of India's population with is 219,722,687 and among whom 79.7 are Hindus, 19.3% Muslims and 1 % others. He has been very vocal about rights of the majority which have been compromised largely by previous governments.
2. He has taken the tough stand on the issue of “love jihad” and confronted Mulayam Singh Yadav openly for his prejudices and even asked him to go to Pakistan. 3. He compared the famous Bollywood star, Shah Rukh Khan to Hafiz Saeed for his opportunistic behavior and said:
If a “huge mass” of people in the country would boycott his films then he would also have to wander on streets like a “normal Muslim.”
It must be noted that on the occasion of his 50th birthday, King Khan reportedly expressed his opinion on rising intolerance in the country and his notion was focused indirectly towards PM Modi. 4. As a Hindutva mascot and controversy’s favorite child Yogi Adityanath never bothered about his image and always took strong stand wheresoever required.
On International Yoga Day when some Muslim groups who have the tendency to find religion in everything opposed Surya Namaskar as part of yoga drill, then he replied:
Those opposing ‘Yoga’ and ‘Surya Namaskar’ should either leave India or drown in the sea.
The new CM has hit the ground running and is making more or less the right noises. Most of the political pundits, so-called intellectuals, senior anti-national journalists and opposition leaders have shown their dismay over the elevation of the monk to the post of CM. Such media rarely tell that recently, yogi had helped solve a dispute over a Mosque land, such facts clearly show that Yogi has been wrongly painted as anti-muslim by biased media. But those who know him closely, claims that he is very soft-hearted who embraces people from all religions.
He never supported caste politics however still all caste supports him.
Apart from a number of factors such as backing from RSS and VHP members to Hindu Godmen and a vocal Hindutva agenda had helped him to win the crown of Uttar Pradesh. He is a dedicated party worker and has been elected as an MP for a consecutive five times through his political presence on the large picture had always been dormant.
A number of steps were taken by him after being appointed as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. All the slaughterhouses that were functioning illegally were made to close down. He ordered the formation of ‘anti-Romeo’ squads which were greatly appreciated by the women of the state. A blanket ban was imposed on the smuggling of cows.
He banned the consumption of gutka, tobacco, and pan when within the premises of government offices. The officials have been made to promise that they will devote hundred hours every year for the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’. More than a hundred policemen got suspended by the police of Uttar Pradesh after Yogi Adityanath came to power.
The first cabinet meeting after his coming to power was held on 4th April 2017. In this meeting, it was decided that the loans of approximately eighty-seven lakh marginal and small farmers of Uttar Pradesh will be waved off. This amounted to a sum of Rs. 363.59 billion.
Yogi Adityanath is a politician with the ‘Hindutva’ image. Even though he is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, there have been several controversies lurking around in his life history. However most of experts believe that Yogi Adityanath is not anti-muslim but is the victim of biased media’s propaganda, there is whole nexus of pseudo secular media cult who works in association with foreign media who depicts India and its nationalist citizens and reformers in wrong picture otherwise how come he could have been hailed by whole country so lovingly as CM.