Even if you are skinny there is no guarantee that you will not become fatty. Very shortly you can become overweight and no matter what you do: go to gym five times a week or try various diets etc it will be very difficult to lose weight. And if you are suffering with obesity because of your genetic makeup then it will be almost impossible for you to lose it, however you can turn it into boon also.
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1. Jessica- A Child Girl Who Can’t sleep at Night
2. Michelle Kish- A Girl Suffering from Rare Genetic Disorder!
Dzhambik's a 17 year old sumo wrestler from Russia was world's heaviest child at the age of 9 years when he reached 146.1 Kg. The British doctor Ian Campbell, one of the world's leading experts in obesity, visited Dzhambik and performed a series of tests on him at a Moscow clinic.
The tests showed that 9 year old Dzhambik's bones were the size of an average 15-year-old boy. He was also tested for anabolic steroids, which can cause abnormal bone growth, but the results were negative.
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1. Always Hungry! Surprising Peoples Who can’t Stop Eating
2. Tia McCarthy – Miracle of Girl Who Never Ate Food for 10 years
The diet of Dzhambik's is normal. Dzhambik's size has earned him the nickname Sosruko after an ancient hero from local mythology. Sosruko was a giant. Dzhambik has appeared on many Russian TV Shows. In 2006, journalist Nick Patton Walsh wrote in The Guardian that Nelya demanded money in order for him to meet Dzambik; Walsh hesitated as such payments were against Guardian policy but eventually relented, paying £160 or about 8000 rubles.